New member of the Circadian Data Science Team: Dr. Johannes Zauner

We're pleased to introduce the newest member of the Circadian Data Science team: Dr. Johannes Zauner.

Johannes Zauner

With a solid foundation in architecture, lighting design and human biology, Johannes Zauner offers a unique blend of expertise. His academic pursuits have covered areas from energy-efficient building designs to research the impact of light on the autonomous nervous system. Additionally, he collaborates with the Munich-based lighting design office, 3lpi, and has notable roles in both national and international technical committees centered around light and lighting.

The MeLiDos project, funded by EURAMET, aims to pioneer the development of a metrology for wearable light loggers and optical radiation dosimeters. With the rapid growth and diverse nature of wearable loggers and dosimeters, the MeLiDos project strives to provide a unified framework to streamline the collection, validation, and analysis of accumulated data, promoting the FAIR principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of data. An essential component of this initiative is LightLogR, an open-source package set to be developed under the guidance of Johannes Zauner at TUM.

Welcome aboard, Johannes!

For those interested in the MeLiDos project or LightLogR, feel free to reach out.


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